Story Books (my Day with Spider-man)

3,000.005,000.00 (-40%)

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While enjoying a sunny afternoon with friends, Mother Goose herself suddenly lands in front of your child. ”Oh fiddle-de-de, fiddle-de-dum, I was visiting Old King Cole and I have lost my way home!” exclaims Mother Goose to your child. Of course, your child wants to help. In their journey, they ask for directions from an old woman living in a giant shoe, come across the king’s men helping Humpty Dumpty, are frightened away from Little Miss Muffet because of the spider, and many other adventures along the way. Your child will truly enjoy this unique take on the classic Mother Goose nursery rhymes!

This is a quality hard-cover personalized children’s book with a washable surface and fully illustrated pages in colour.

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